In Custom Attribute Master List add option to send field to Pulisher

6 votes

Most Custom Attributes we add we do not want to appear on Web Calendars. It would be much easier to maintain this if we cold check in the Master List if it should even be sent to Publisher at all. This way we could set it when they are created. The problem now is if we don't remember to to go into Publisher and make the override not visible then it starts appearing on Calendars. If we rename an Attribute it is also considered a new field in terms of Publisher so we have to do the same. This make quite a mess on the publisher side and can really confuse people looking at web calendars. It can also result in information being on the web that really should no be. Since we have four Publisher accounts this is even more problematic.

Under consideration ** Publisher Suggested by: Pamela Mason Upvoted: 31 May, '23 Comments: 1

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